Dental Laser Technology
at O'Neal Periodontics of Marietta
Marietta Periodontist Dr. Cheria O'Neal utilizes dental laser technology for the treatment of periodontal disease and other periodontal procedures, including laser-assisted periodontal surgery, crown lengthening, soft tissue sculpting and treatment of peri-implant disease.
Dr. O'Neal is a certified provider for LANAP® (Laser-assisted new attachment procedure) protocol and WaterLase® Dentistry for periodontics.

How does the dental laser work?
Dental laser technology combines laser energy with water and air to replace traditional dental cutting instruments. The dental laser is shaped much like a small dental instrument; Dr. O'Neal guides the fine tip of the laser through the treatment area to re-shape bone or soft tissue, remove hard calculus deposits and reduce bacterial levels.
What are the benefits of dental laser therapy vs. traditional periodontal treatment methods?
- The air and water combination cools the effect of the laser, making the procedure more comfortable and requiring less anesthetic than procedures performed with traditional dental drills or scalpels.
- Because the laser is less invasive and does not involve cutting the soft tissue with a scalpel, this helps to reduce healing times and post-treatment discomfort.
- The laser cauterizes as it interacts with the tissue to form a blood vessel and tissue seal. This ‘wound seal’ aids in reducing bleeding and prevention of re-infection. (Imagine a cut that was sealed immediately after it occurred and how much this would help it heal.)
Periodontal Laser procedures performed by Dr. Cheria O'Neal, Marietta Periodontist include:
Treatment of Periodontal Disease with Laser Therapy
Periodontal disease is a gum infection that is caused by harmful bacteria that can progressively destroy gum tissue and bone. Periodontal disease is the #1 cause of adult tooth loss.
Your dentist and Dr. O'Neal measure your gums at each hygiene visit to gauge the depth of ‘periodontal pockets’ between the teeth and gums. Signs of periodontal disease include deep pocketing, bleeding or receding gums, and bone loss which is revealed by taking dental x-rays.
If diagnosed in the early stages, periodontal disease can be treated with non-surgical procedures. Root planing, a treatment that involves removal of bacteria, hard deposits and toxins from the teeth and tooth root surfaces is often performed to remove infected tissue and help stimulate the healing process.
Dr. O'Neal uses the dental laser in periodontal treatment to remove hard deposits and destroy bacteria. With clean, smooth tooth root surfaces, reduced inflammation and bacteria levels, the soft tissue has the opportunity to heal and ‘regenerate’, encouraging the growth of healthy tissue.
Learn more about periodontal disease.
Periodontal Surgery with LANAP® (Laser-assisted new attachment procedure) protocol or WaterLase® Dentistry for periodontics:
Dr. O'Neal may recommend periodontal surgery (gum surgery) when the progression of periodontal disease has extended below the gum line and bacterial infection has begun to surround the tooth and penetrate into the supportive bone. If the periodontal infection is not treated, the bone around the tooth will be destroyed, and soon the tooth will become loose and eventually be lost altogether.
Traditional periodontal surgery involves performing a ‘flap’ procedure in which an incision is made into the gum tissue around the affected area and the soft tissue is laid back in ‘flap’ fashion to expose the tooth roots and bone. This gives the periodontist access to these critical areas to remove diseased tissue and initiate the regenerative process.
The tiny tip of the laser provides fine instrumentation for Dr. O'Neal to perform periodontal surgical procedures. In many cases, she is able to avoid traditional periodontal flap surgery and instead, insert the laser tip into the areas between teeth and along the tooth roots to destroy infection and stimulate healing.
In the event a flap procedure is required, the dental laser can be used for more efficient removal of diseased tissue, bacterial reduction and cauterization.
Frenectomy Procedures for treatment of Tongue-tied or Lip-tied Conditions
A dental frenectomy is a common procedure performed in dentistry. The frenum is a thin strip of soft tissue that connects the gums to the lip or the tongue to the base of the mouth.
A common condition known as tongue-tied (ankyloglossia) occurs when the frenum from the base of the tongue to the floor of the mouth is overly restrictive and interferes with speech, swallowing or the development of the teeth and gums.
Being ‘lip-tied’ (lip adhesion) can also interfere with speech development and make it difficult to clean the teeth and gums properly. On the lower arch, a lip-tied frenum can pull the gum tissue away from the teeth and cause gum recession.
An overly restrictive frenum can interfere with normal tooth growth or cause a gap between teeth. Orthodontists sometimes encounter this with teens entering orthodontic treatment.
Dr. O'Neal provides consultation for patients that may require a ‘frenectomy’. This procedure may be recommended to release the frenum surgically and correct the interference in normal dental function. Dr. O'Neal uses the dental laser to quickly and efficiently to both release the frenum and cauterize the incision areas to speed healing.
Dental Laser Gingivectomy
The term ‘gingivectomy’ simply means the removal of unwanted gum tissue (gingiva).
Some medications cause overgrowth of gum tissue, which can make the affected areas difficult to keep clean, or, interfere with proper eating and chewing. Dr. O'Neal can use the dental laser to remove and shape this tissue to give the patient the ability to eat normally and clean their teeth properly with brushing and flossing.
Gingival contouring procedures may be recommended by Dr. O'Neal and your restorative dentist in conjunction with dental veneers or crowns, or to correct a ‘gummy’ smile. Using the dental laser, Dr. O'Neal can sculpt a smooth, symmetrical gum line to give the teeth a more uniform, natural appearance.
Dental Biopsy
A dental biopsy is performed when there is an abnormal growth, bump or sore on the soft tissue that requires further testing. Dr. O'Neal can use the dental laser to partially or fully remove the tissue and send it to a dental pathologist laboratory for a diagnosis. Dental biopsies are generally performed to rule out oral cancer, or to identify a condition that is causing the growth, such as a fungus or infection.
Treatment of Cold Sores and Ulcers with the Dental Laser
Patients that suffer from cold sores and mouth ulcers can sometimes obtain pain relief from dental laser treatment. The laser disinfects and cauterizes the area, creating a ‘laser bandage’ to halt the blistering process and reduce inflammation and discomfort.
If the area is treated early, the dental laser can minimize the breakout of the mouth ulcer or cold sore and prompt the healing process.
Dental Laser Crown Lengthening Procedures
A crown lengthening procedure is recommended when a tooth requires a dental crown to restore it to full function, however the tooth structure needed to support the crown is obstructed by soft tissue or bone.
Dr. O'Neal uses the dental laser to gently remove the overlying tissue and bone to reveal the tooth surface. This gives the restorative dentist enough tooth surface area to properly fit and retain a dental crown restoration.
Treatment of Peri-Implant Disease with the Dental Laser (LAPIP®)
A dental implant is a restorative device placed by Dr. O'Neal or another dental surgeon to replace the function of a missing tooth. It is completed with a dental crown, bridge or denture by a restorative dentist.
The process of ‘integration’ of a dental implant occurs when the bone and soft tissue around the implant grows and fuses to the body of the implant. This healing allows the implant to stay firmly in place and retain the dental restoration.
Peri-implant disease is a condition in which inflammation and infection occurs around the dental implant. Like periodontal disease, if not treated, the bone support for the dental implant can be compromised and the implant may lose retention and become loose, requiring removal of the implant.
The goal treatment of Peri-Implant Disease (LAPIP®) is to prevent loss of the implant and to protect the patient's investment in their oral health. The dental laser may be used to counteract the infection around an implant affected by peri-implant disease by treating the inflammation and lowering bacteria levels to facilitate healing.
Schedule a Consultation with O'Neal Periodontics
Periodontist Dr. Cheria O'Neal utilizes WaterLase® Dentistry for periodontics and Laser-assisted new attachment procedure (LANAP®) protocol for the treatment of periodontal disease, dental implant health maintenance and support of restorative dental treatments.
Dr. O'Neal works closely with general dentists in the metro Atlanta area to achieve optimal outcomes for our mutual patients' dental health.
Contact O'Neal Periodontics of Marietta to schedule a consultation with Dr. O'Neal.